Lancer-class Frigate (3)
Basic info

First appearance: Thrawn Trilogy, Book 2 - Dark Force Rising
Relations: Kuat Drive Yards


The Lancer-class frigate was a capital ship used for anti-starfighter operations in the Imperial Navy. The Lancer-class was a frigate design armed with 20 AG-2G quad laser cannons, with at least some of these guns capable of being retracted into the main hull of the vessel. The Lancer was propelled by four drive engines and had a hangar bay area on its ventral side, where it could dock two shuttles. In addition, the Lancer has a docking port located on the top of its bow. The ship's bridge was located in the middle of the bow area, below a similar-looking computer/sensor control room. An early type of Lancer-class frigate saw its initial deployment a few months after the end of the Clone Wars. Imperial starships had long focused on ship-to-ship combat capabilities, relegating smaller capital ships to planetary defense rather than picket duty. As Rebel Alliance pilots learned to exploit the major weaknesses of Star Destroyers, commonly called "Trench Run Disease", Imperial officers grew increasingly concerned over the growing relative effectiveness of these heavily armed and shielded starfighters. After the first Death Star's destruction at the Battle of Yavin by a handful of Alliance starfighters, the need for greater starfighter defense was clear.

Complete list

Lancer-class Frigate (V.FRI1) Lancer-class Frigate (V.FRI2) Imperial Supply Fleet (V.SUP2)
The Official Star Wars Fact File
The Official Star Wars Fact File
The Official Star Wars Fact File
Lancer-class Frigate (V.FRI1)
Lancer-class Frigate (V.FRI2)
Imperial Supply Fleet (V.SUP2)
Tags (2)

EF-76 Nebulon-B Frigate | Carrack-class Light Cruiser

Last updated: 09.03.2021 15:47:36